Evénements avant 2020
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Pour des événements récents, aller su odformation.org en cliquant ici

OPEN DIALOGUE : Innovation, travail psycho-social, éducation, santé mentale
Carlos Léon, Dr en Psychologie SGIPA, GREPSY, formateur en Open Dialogue
L'Open dialogue est une forme d'intervention orientée famille, qui privilégie le travail collaboratif entre les personnes concernées, le réseau étendu de proches et les équipes multi-professionnelles.
Pour sa qualité humaine et ses résultats exceptionnels validés en 30 ans de recherche, ces principes se généralisent et inspirent une variété de formes de travail en santé mentale, éducation, travail social, groupes d'entraide, programmes communautaires, pratiques psychothérapeutiques...
L'Open Dialogue constitue une approche phare qui permet d'intégrer diverses compétences professionnelles - éducatives, dynamiques, systémiques, familiales, narratives, etc. -, selon les besoins changeants de clients. L'OD valorise l'expérience des clients, les familles et celles propres aux intervenants.
Ce débat est ouvert à celles et ceux qui travaillent dans des réseaux multidisciplinaires, en responsabilité partagée avec les clients.
lundi 28 janvier 2019 de 12h30 à 14h00 à 3DD Espace concertation - Rue David-Dufour 3 1205 Genève
Le jeudi 25 et le vendredi 26 octobre 2018, Nick Putman (UK) & Carlos León (CH) Cette introduction est le résultat d'une collaboration entre Dialogue Ouvert - Genève et Le Lieu de Répit - Marseille (alternative en psychiatrie pour des personnes sans chez soi vivant une crise psychique). Elle réunira des équipes d'intervention du Lieu de Répit, des bénévoles, des PAIRS, l'équipe MARSS (psychiatrie de rue & reduction de risques) et d'autres intervenants de rue et à domicile. Collaboration avec les équipes de Marseille et Interlaken dans la perspective d'une formation en Open Dialogue à Genève |

Atelier en Dialogue Ouvert
24 & 25 août 2018
Carlos León

In July 4 - 5 2018 / GENEVA
Two symposiums on Open Dialogue, families & peers and communities
C. León, N. Putnam, J.D. Michel, O. Brücker, J. Stellbrink-Beckmann, Brändli H., Le COFOR, Le Lieu de Répit
Open dialogue outside Western Lapland: training, innovation, practice
4 July 10h00 - - Room S01-MR040
Chair: Carlos León, Dialogue Ouvert Genève, www.do-ge.ch
Peers and families, open dialogue and communities
5 July 10h00 - - Room S24- MR070
Chair: Nick Putman, Psychotherapist, director Open Dialogue United Kingdom.
Peers and families, open dialogue and communities
Peers and recovery groups are transcending their original mission as they begin to be solicited by mental health practices, research and community action. It is a human and institutional challenge in mental health to integrate peers and recovery programs in mutuality. This partnership questions the stablished hierarchical borders and logic of care. New needs have to be considered and more space has to be taken by peers. This movement has to extend to childhood and parents with special needs children. In France, Marseille, a centre of recovery inspired of recovery colleges and dialogical democratic practices, determines its own activities in autonomy, without professionals, educating towards recovery. Co-construction and animation of workshops are self determined between peers. Also, a new community setting had recently started there as an alternative to hospitalisation and coercive measures. Inspired by the parachute project New York. The work of peers and open dialogue practices are at the centre of this experience. In this brief panorama, some reflexions about self determination emerge, as recovery and peer movements share values with open dialogue philosophy, where the voice of the person is heard and the value of the professional’s voice is at the same level that the other voices.
1 Palma, Nicole. Lieu de Répit, Marseille, 2 Guacci, Antonio Francesco. Le Cofor, centre de formation au rétablissement, 3 Brändli Helene. Peer expert at inpatient department, EX-IN trainer, co-trainer in OD, psychiatric services, Spitalregion Oberaargau in Langenthal (switzerland), Stellbrink-Beckmann, Jens. Consultant in psychiatry & psychotherapy, EX-IN trainer, head of day hospital Interlaken (switzerland), psychiatric services / spitäler frutigen meiringen interlaken, 4 Brücker, Oriane. Project Leader, pro Mente Sana, Leon, Carlos. Dialogue Ouvert, Genève / GREPSY, K. Lindley, PhD
Pyschologue-coach et practicienne narrative, Taos Associate, présidente de l'association SAMED - Soutenir et Accompagner les Mères d'Enfants "Différents".
Peers and recovery groups are transcending their original mission as they begin to be solicited by mental health practices, research and community action. It is a human and institutional challenge in mental health to integrate peers and recovery programs in mutuality. This partnership questions the stablished hierarchical borders and logic of care. New needs have to be considered and more space has to be taken by peers. This movement has to extend to childhood and parents with special needs children. In France, Marseille, a centre of recovery inspired of recovery colleges and dialogical democratic practices, determines its own activities in autonomy, without professionals, educating towards recovery. Co-construction and animation of workshops are self determined between peers. Also, a new community setting had recently started there as an alternative to hospitalisation and coercive measures. Inspired by the parachute project New York. The work of peers and open dialogue practices are at the centre of this experience. In this brief panorama, some reflexions about self determination emerge, as recovery and peer movements share values with open dialogue philosophy, where the voice of the person is heard and the value of the professional’s voice is at the same level that the other voices.
1 Palma, Nicole. Lieu de Répit, Marseille, 2 Guacci, Antonio Francesco. Le Cofor, centre de formation au rétablissement, 3 Brändli Helene. Peer expert at inpatient department, EX-IN trainer, co-trainer in OD, psychiatric services, Spitalregion Oberaargau in Langenthal (switzerland), Stellbrink-Beckmann, Jens. Consultant in psychiatry & psychotherapy, EX-IN trainer, head of day hospital Interlaken (switzerland), psychiatric services / spitäler frutigen meiringen interlaken, 4 Brücker, Oriane. Project Leader, pro Mente Sana, Leon, Carlos. Dialogue Ouvert, Genève / GREPSY, K. Lindley, PhD
Pyschologue-coach et practicienne narrative, Taos Associate, présidente de l'association SAMED - Soutenir et Accompagner les Mères d'Enfants "Différents".
Open dialogue outside Western Lapland: training, innovation, practice
1 Putman Nick, Psychotherapist, director Open Dialogue United Kindom, 2 Stellbrink-Beckmann, Jens, consultant in psychiatry & psychotherapy, EX-IN trainer, head of day hospital Interlaken (switzerland), psychiatric services / spitäler frutigen meiringen interlaken / 3 Brändli Helene, peer expert at inpatient department, EX-IN trainer, co-trainer in OD, psychiatric services, Spitalregion Oberaargau in Langenthal (switzerland), 4 Michel, Jean-Dominique, General secretary, Pro Mente Sana |
,Open Dialogue comprises both a way of organizing a treatment system and a form of therapeutic conversation or Dialogic Practice. It is the psychiatric service in Western Lapland who developed & researched Open Dialogue over the last 30 years. The approach is responsive to the needs of the whole person and relates. It arranges dialogical meetings with social networks / families who are grateful for the approach – for its patience, it kindness and intimacy. For its human quality and high level outcomes, OD is inspiring a variety of mental health and social systems internationally. In the first part, this seminary illustrates how some of open dialogue principles are applied in context and settings others that Lapland. It browses the experience of training in UK of many national health systems of care, public services, independent practitioners, peer’s groups, are working in a variety of ways with a variety of client groups. Finally, we present the training program in OD started 4 years ago in the German side of Switzerland, its implementation and first clinical experiences. In the last part, we consider the epistemological implications of the open dialogue approach and the ethical and social consequences for our representations and practices in the field of mental health.
Special thanks to : Societé Genvoise de Prophylaxie Mentale SGPM, and Société Suisse de Psychiatrie Sociale SSPS
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